Friday, March 24, 2006

Can Someone Say '80s?

I swore I'd never give into the '80s fashion resurgence. Okay so I've caved a few times, but for the most part, acid-wash jeans, teased hair, hot-pink lipstick, leggings, the sock & high-heel combo, have all been a distant, veeeery distant memory for me....that is until I came across this picture! Thought I'd share it with you before I burn it. Oh, and by the way, if anyone ever wanted to blackmail me, this would suffice.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Completely LOST

I've always been a little skeptical about the TV show LOST. Even after reading Gianni & David's previous post about it (sorry dears), it never quite appealed to me. Therefore, you can imagine my reaction when Sahba, after being introduced to the show by his sister, told me "You've got to see it!" After some moments of the "Do I have to?" groans, I decided to give it a chance. I mean, what harm could come from watching the first two episodes of Season 1 right? Wrong! Big Mistake! HUGE! Not only am I hooked, and by the way I've since watched every episode of Season 1 and have moved on to Season 2 in an attempt to catch up, I'm completely obsessed! How hooked am I really? Well, lets just say been staying up until 2 and 3am watching TV! It's really scary actually. I mean, there's gotta be some mastermind brainwashing machine behind this show. Just a theory. For example, I've even found myself asking other people, and even strangers in the elevator, "Have you ever seen LOST?" It's insanity! PURE INSANITY!!! Or as Gollum of Lord of The Rings would say, "My prrrreccious, my prrreccious..."

Wednesday, March 15, 2006


Such a punk for neglecting my bloggie blog! Remember those chia pets? "Chi-chi-chi Chia..." Well, that's how I sorta feel about my blog these days. Since starting the Fast, I just let the poor little thing go. But now I'm back, so I'll have to nurse little blog back into to tip-top shape! Maybe change the background color or do something special to lift it's spirit : )

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Happy Fast!

"Happy the days that have been consecrated to the remembrance of God, and blessed the hours which have been spent in praise of Him Who is the All-Wise."
