Sunday, July 23, 2006

Where Have We Been???

MIAMI BABY! As some of you may know, Sahba and I recently moved from Nashville to Miami. Sabs switched medical specialties from Anesthesia to Family Practice Medicine, bringing us to the beautiful and sunny South Florida. We've been here now for almost 5 weeks, and though we miss our families terribly, have been enjoying this new and exciting chapter of our lives. Miami can really make a girl feel at home with the culture, food, and sabor latino which surrounds.

Since we've been here, I've been freelancing for the company with whom I worked back in Nashville, which has been keeping me relatively busy. I've also been sending out resumes and interviewing with Advertising companies in the Miami area in the hopes to secure a full-time job as well. I had forgotten how much patience is required for this process. Grueling but exciting at the same time!

Now, I'll have you know I surely planned to update the blog more frequently. I will keep you posted on the job hunting, the wonderful activities going on in the Bahá'í community down here, Sahba's work and all the rest in the days to come. So sorry for the delay!

Miss and love you all!


  1. no, I had no idea you were moving to Miami! Unless you told me and I forgot... How lovely! Ah, the humidity and the disgusting heat... But there's ocean and neon skyscrapers to make up for it :) Love you! I'm in Denver now :) So many moves...

  2. Wow !! Already in Miami... Good luck with the job hunting, I know what it likes... I'm still looking for one..
    lots of love


  3. Anonymous10:39 PM

    Wow, how did I not know you had a blog? Good luck to you and Sabs in sunny Florida. I am subscribing to the feed on your blog right now so I don't lose it!

    Oh yeah, it's great to see the pics of Nika's shower! I can't wait to check out the wedding pictures now. It was so great to see all those friendly faces from my time in Nashvegas. Good luck with the job hunt! Myk and I might come visit sometime. :)
