So I'm back from my weekend trip to Albuquerque, where I totally fell in love with the New Mexican landscape, culture, feel, you name it. I spent 3 days with sweet Aria, her husband James, who is one of the coolest guys ever, their cuttie-patuttie-eat-those-little-rubbery-ears little girl Sasha & dearest Samantha and Tony Schmitz.

Aria, Sasha and Samantha took Tony and I on the longest Tramway in the world which ascends to over 10,000 feet! For those who don't know the concept of the tramway, it's basically a little box you stand in that's balanced on a couple of cables a few thousand feet in the air! I'm totally not kidding! Highly terrifying but so thrilling at the same time. I loved it! At the top of the mountain, after smiling through grinding teeth and clenching the inside bar of that tiny tramway box, I was completely struck with the most amazing above view ever, overlooking all of Albuquerque and other cities and mountains in the distance. And though the winds gusted and the temperatures neared the single digits, it was splendid!

We also got to go to the Seals & Seals concert that was awesome. Several Bahá'ís from Albuquerque and surrounding areas traveled to see them play too, like our dear old friends from Costa Rica, Violeta and Phillip Mirkovich. Following the concert, which little Sasha soundly slept through (she's the cutest!), we took many pictures together.

On Sunday, my last day in NM, Violeta & Fipo prepared a delicious Tico breakfast for us. Afterwards, Aria, James and Sasha took me to the Jemez Mountains, where James had been just a day earlier on a class trip. Let me tell you, James, the soon-to-be geologist, knows his rocks and I was stunned and impressed to learn all the history of that region. Thanks for the incredible tour guys!

In all, there are no words to thank these dear friends for such a lovely experience. I can only say that I miss you dearly and love you so much! You have to come to Nashville now, so I can return the great favor! Check out these pictures of darling, sweet, beautiful Sasha.

Juliet!! It was so nice to have you stay at our house! We enjoyed you so much. You are such a kind, loving, patient, generous, considerate, sensitive person, and you've been that way since I can remember. James was really impressed with you, he said that anyone who could listen to him ramble off about rocks for two hours had to be awesome!! : )