Wednesday, February 22, 2006


I'm obsessed. My favorite part of the day is when, on my way back to the office after lunch, I pass the newspaper stand and pick up the Nashville City Paper. After reading the Headlines and skimming Entertainment, I quickly flip to the Etceteras section for the Comics & Puzzles. And there, glowing before my very little eyes is Sudoku! Whenever I have down time throughout the day, I get to working the puzzle. Sometimes they're easy, other times I get stumped and peek at the answers (c'mon!). Though I would only consider myself a "white belt" by Sudoku standards, I so enjoy it. Try it once and you'll be hooked ( You've been forewarned!


  1. Oh mi God!!! You cannot believe how hoocked I am with this game, my friend bought me a book and now I have to fight over it (a little exagerating here) with Talieh (the girl that came from Brazil and she's staying with us for a while). THIS PUZZLE IS THE BEST!!!


  2. You know, I've heard from a lot about this game, but haven't tried it yet myself. How do you play?
